Geometric Bubble Challenge

Create different shaped bubble wands to see what happens when used in bubble solution.

Skittles Challenge

Learn what happens when you soak skittles in warm water.

Program a Person Challenge

Create different shaped bubble wands to see what happens when used in bubble solution.

Magnetic Map Challenge

Goal: I can find objects attracted by a magnet and explore a neighborhood map with magnets.

Puff Puff Challenge

Use the force of push to move a cotton ball.

Sun Print Challenge

Use light from the sun to create art.

Pulley Challenge

Make lifting heavy things easier with a pulley.

Solar Shelter

Build a shelter to protect an animal from the heat of the sun.

Bird Feeder Challenge

Help feed birds in your yard.

Animal Habitat Challenge

Build a habitat for an animal.

Walking Water Challenge

Make water “walk” from one cup to another.

Shrinking Water Bead Challenge

Make water beads shrink.

Sound Vibes Challenge

Goal: I can see how vibrations make sound 

Tree Branch Challenge

Goal: I can create a flowchart

More Coming Soon!