Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum hosted STEM in the City today. It was held at The Venue at Highlander from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Today was provided by universities, community partners, and local businesses. This was a hands-on event for children of all ages with interactive displays, live demonstrations, and make and take-home activities, all in the subject areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Every child received a passport. Each table, or STEM station, had a stamp. When passports were all stamped they could turn them in for prizes.
At our STEM station, we taught Bernoulli’s Principle with air guns knocking down stacks of cups. A Little Bits Space Rover robot will be given to the winner of the drawing held.
Special thank you to our volunteers, Riley and Josh, of JuSTEMagine. Riley and Josh are both high school students at Brownell Talbot High School who really enjoy helping their community and Prairie STEM. They were a great help today!