Virtual STEAM Kits Delivered to Prairie Lane for Their January STEAM Night

Prairie STEM delivered over three-hundred STEAM kits to Prairie Lane Elementary School in District 66 on Monday, Jan. 11th, 2021. Our Virtual Activity Kits are fun, hands-on, educational lessons for school-age students that enrich their STEM education. Each student’s kit is aligned to state and national curriculum standards. All lessons are individually packaged for each […]
Meet Maya Savoy! She is a Prairie STEM volunteer who has devoted many hours to our Virtual STEM Kits and lessons.

Maya Savory is a junior at Brownell Talbot. Maya joined JuSTEMagine during the summer of 2020, and currently holds the position of Director of Curriculum. Maya started working with Prairie STEM over the summer of 2020, assembling Virtual STEM kits for Howard Kennedy Elementary in the Omaha Public Schools. She has since then designed her […]
New Prairie STEM Winter Blues STEM Kits

Prairie STEM rolled out a new addition to their STEM Kits this week. Our BEAT THE Blues kits include 16 different lesson activities for elementary students. Each packet has one lesson with activity, as well as learning extensions that go along with it. This allows for active learning for students during the winter holiday and […]