Prairie STEM Created and Delivered Virtual STEAM Kits for Howard Kennedy Elementary School in Omaha Public Schools
Three hundred fifty virtual STEM lesson kits were delivered to Howard Kennedy Elementary School on 9/16/2020, to enrich their students’ STEM education. Each kit contained materials for 16 different Science and/or Math activities, all aligned to state and national standards. Thanks so much to JuSTEMagine high school students from Brownell Talbot College Preparatory School, who […]
Spring Lake Math Magnet School Robotics Lab 2019-2020
Prairie STEM staff spent 3 days a week in the Robotics Lab at Spring Lake teaching math skills alongside robotics skills to classrooms of students. Prairie STEM teachers reinforced math lessons that teachers were working on. By using robots during the lessons, students were reintroduced math concepts in a different way, which made learning more […]