Prairie STEM Summer Camps are Filling Up Fast

Summer is just around the corner, and we are excited to announce that registration for our summer camp program is now open! Our camps are filling up quickly, so don’t wait to secure your child’s spot for a summer filled with hands-on, educational fun. Our camps are available for registrations of students who will be […]
On 4/13/2023, Prairie STEM Joined Spring Lake Elementary School’s STEAM Night

Spring Lake STEAM Night on April 13th, 2023, was an evening filled with interactive and hands-on STEAM activities for students and families. The event was a huge success, with everyone having a blast and learning new things about science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. One of the highlights of the night was Bingo the robot […]
Over the Moon with the 14th Annual Nebraska Robotics Expo on Saturday, February 24th, 2023

We are over the moon with excitement to bring you our 14th annual Nebraska Robotics Expo! This year’s theme is “Artemis”, named after NASA’s historic initiative to return astronauts to the lunar surface. Robot and space enthusiasts are welcome to watch as twenty-two teams of students from all across Nebraska come together to build, drive, […]
Girls in STEAM Programs Beginning Soon

Guide your girls on a journey with their peers exploring STEAM education and future STEAM careers in a safe positive environment. This program helps girls envision themselves as leaders in STEAM and find hidden talents through hands-on experiences. Get ready to blast off on this incredible girls-only experience! 10-week program (1 session per week) October […]
Saint Cecilia Students Learn about Rockets and Artemis Fall 2022

NorthStar 8th Grade Students Learn to Fly Drones

Prairie STEM taught the eighth students at Northstar the basics of drones in which many of the students flew them for the first time. The students’ flying experience included obstacles to fly through. They flew them in the gym which was a perfect amount of space. Everyone had a great time.
Presenting for Alpha Delta Kappa in the Westside Community Schools ABC Building on September 26th, 2022

We presented for Alpha Delta Kappa educators. We shared robots, drones, VR/AR/Oculus, technology, STEM Kits, esports, and much more with the group. Everyone enjoyed Bingo’s appearance.
Drones, VR, and Coding at Waverly Middle School

Students rotated between 3 stations. Their field trip to fly was cancelled and we were called in for a wow factor. Station 1 – Droneblocks, students programmed drones in a simulated environment (city and mars) Station 2 – VR students flew biplanes in a WWI Warfighter simulator, the settings abided by real world aerodynamics. Station […]
Prairie STEM Attends Hutchfest on Sunday, September 4, 2022

Prairie STEM had a booth at Hutchfest where we demonstrated Bingo, our robot dog extensively. We provided nearly 500 STEM Kits to the community and used our trailer as a Virtual Reality hub. Visitors signed in, learned about Prairie STEM and JuSTEMagine, were able to pet our dog, and play Beat Saber in Virtual Reality.
Prairie STEM at AfrOmaha Festival

Prairie STEM had a booth at Afro Fest Omaha at Stinson Park, where we handed out 200 STEM Kits and provided a VR experience for visitors of all ages. The app we used primarily was Wander, which allowed users to visit anywhere in the world via Google Streetview 360. The intention was to allow people […]